Pocahontas Creative Arts Initiative

The Pocahontas Project (TPP) has developed the Pocahontas Creative Arts Initiative to inspire
and facilitate an ever-expanding multi-disciplinary collection of creative art efforts wrapped
around the life, legend and legacy of the woman most famously known as Pocahontas. It is
hoped and expected this growing collection of art commemorating and celebrating Pocahontas
– painting, sculpture, theater, ballet, dance, music, song, poetry, photography, and so much
more – will in turn inspire hope and purposeful action in a growing number of people around
the world collectively working towards a peaceful and sustainable future for all humankind.
The signature project of the Pocahontas Creative Arts Initiative is called A Piece of Peace (APOP). This simple collaborative art concept intersects all artistic mediums and involves a group of people creating a work of art centered on PEACE, with each artist then becoming a PIECE of PEACE. For more information about APOP including a variety of examples, please go here.

TPP offers creative artists a full accounting of the history of the life of Pocahontas as well as a
variety of perspectives on her historic and cultural significance; over the past four hundred
years, today and into the future. TPP will also do all it can to facilitate connections between
artists – locally, nationally and internationally – and is working to develop partner relationships
with a wide variety of organizations, agencies and entities that support, promote and facilitate
the creative arts, as well as those that collect and interpret history and culture. TPP is proud
and honored to currently be collaborating with the following artists and organizations:
Michael Walling/Border Crossings (UK) - https://www.bordercrossings.org.uk/
Michael Walling is the Artistic Director of Border Crossings which offers
intercultural multi-media theatre across borders
Madeline Sayet (USA) - https://www.madelinesayet.com/
Madeline Sayet is a theatre-maker whose work is shaped by the idea of Story
Medicine: the belief that every story we put into this world has the power to do real world harm or healing
The Grand / GYG = Gifted Young Generation (UK) - https://www.wearegyg.co.uk/
The Grand / GYG offers multi-disciplinary arts programming to youth in
Gravesend, England where Pocahontas is buried
Benjamin Victor (USA) - www.benjaminvictor.com
Ben Victor is a world renowned sculpture artist with four sculptures in the US
Capitol Statuary Hall who is currently working on a maquette of Matoaka / aka Pocahontas, shown below

For more information about the Pocahontas Creative Arts Initiative, contact Rick Tatnall @ The Pocahontas Project: